In this episode, I get to speak with an award-winning woman empowerment coach, a best selling author of a stage of their own, Altovise Pelzer.
She was encouraged to write at the age of eight by her grandmother, and She later found that developing a love of writing would get her through many difficult situations.
She founded the World Voice League and has been the host to the speakeasy podcast for a few years. Now. We connected a few months ago, and Altovise was generous enough to send me a birthday wish on LinkedIn.
Our Guest
Altovise Pelzer
- Instagram: worldvoiceleague
- LinkedIn:
- Website:
- Twitter: AltovisePelzer
Hacks to take Away
- An award-winning woman empowerment coach.
- Her grandmother encouraged her to write at the age of eight.
- How she found that developing a love of writing would get her through many difficult situations.
- How she became a victim of molestation and someone who has been homeless.
- How she goes through the whole process of separation or divorce.
- Something amazing happened on her trip.
- Learning to be okay with saying no and to be okay with walking away.
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Junaid Ahmed 0:10
Thank you for tuning in to hacks and hobbies with your host Junaid in season two of hacks and hobbies were visited by our amazing guests coming from all walks of life, what to learn their story, their struggles and their journey on how they got to where they are today. So stick around.
In this episode, I get to speak with alto Elise Peltzer. She is an award winning woman empowerment coach, a best selling author of a stage of their own and speakeasy hashtag speakeasy podcast host. She was encouraged to write at the age of eight by her grandmother and She later found that developing a love of writing would get her through many difficult situations. She founded the world voice League, and has been the host to the speaking easy podcast for a few years. Now. We connected a few months ago and alto is was generous enough to send me a birthday wish. And I was like, Hey, I really like what you're doing. Would you love to be a guest on my podcast? And she happily joined in and said, Yes, absolutely. That would be awesome. So LTV, thank you so much for taking the time and coming on to the podcast.
altovise 1:41
It's always a pleasure being able to connect with other podcasters and, you know, share, you know, just even the smallest little sliver of hope. I think, right at this time, we we could use a couple doses of those on a regular basis.
Junaid Ahmed 1:57
Absolutely. So be beekeeper myself it's and and we know that it's towards summertime and fall is coming. We see a lot less flowers blooming. So yeah, there is some kind of need for some positivity because when it's springtime we feel in natural glow around us. So we feel you know, it reflects on us and we're happy and we're more positive. But as it comes close to wintertime and fall time, we do need a dose of positivity, it does have happiness and anywhere you can find it you want to try to snatch it and share with the rest of the world. So thank you for
Unknown Speaker 2:47
Junaid Ahmed 2:49
So tell us a version of your journey that no one's heard before I'm and I see that you've written a couple of books and you've done a lot of writing in many different areas, so tell us a little journey, you know, a little story of you know, how you came to be and, you know, something that people haven't heard anywhere else.
altovise 3:13
So, I always tell my story because I am a victim of molestation and am someone who has been homeless. I'm a single mother. So you know, that puts me on the outskirts of the in crowd for the majority of things. But
one of the pieces of
my story that I don't talk about often is the divorce. And it's interesting because people, whether you're on the end of the person that initiated the divorce or the person that didn't initiate it, there's this huge sense of failure that comes from having to go through that whole process of separation after you've spent, you know, so much time with this person. You know, that has been your world that's been your life. And there's always a sense of failure. And what I did not realize was how much of an impact and that sense of failure really followed me throughout the years even after the divorce was final. So it literally, it was a seed and it germinated. And the roots went all throughout how I spoke about myself, how I thought about myself how I thought about business and finances, and it really did affect me in a bigger way than what I saw. So I really had to go back through a process of upgrading all of that stuff that was connected to the divorce and start over again by saying that I was enough. It was not an easy process and the year that I thought that I was going to do it. I said, Yes, I'm going to do it. Got this, as soon as I said it and confirmed it within my heart that that was what I was going to do. Another failure happens actually evicted from my home. Yeah, so me and my children are literally taking all of our things and putting them on the sidewalk.
And it was crazy. But that following day, I had a decision to make, do I still go on a trip that you know, I was, had already had planned and was able to? Or do I just go ahead and just scratch it and have my pity party in a row with me and I'm going through, you know, this difficult situation. And that was the moment where I realized, oh, my goodness, that one failure really did have a huge hold on me more than what I thought simply because I invested so much into my release. kinship and being a mother and being a wife and
Unknown Speaker 6:04
I had lost my identity. Yeah.
altovise 6:07
I hadn't completely lost it. And it was that next day because literally, we were evicted December 31 of 2015. And it was January 1 of 2016 that I took that flight. Even in the midst of everything that we were going through. It completely changed everything.
Junaid Ahmed 6:27
That's really, that's really crazy. Because, right, so like you mentioned, right, if you had canceled that trip, nothing could have come better of it because now you'd be drowning and even more sorrow and more pain, but getting away from it all and taking that trip. It it's kind of like a reset, right? It helps you see things from a totally different perspective.
altovise 7:00
You know, but something amazing happened on that trip. The first flight was just regular Flight, a second flight, my ticket didn't have a group number. And so I had to go to the booth and let them know. And they told me just to go in with group to said, All right, well, you know, I'll go in for two. Now this is the part of the story that most people hear about is that, you know, I go the corporate to stand in line and they call my name over the loudspeaker. So I have to go back to the booth. And when I go back to the booth, they hand me a first class ticket.
And that completely changed
how I saw everything because even in the midst of my situation, if I don't just push through a little bit harder, a little bit more. I don't take that next step. I don't know what first class upgrade is. Going to be waiting for me on the other side.
Junaid Ahmed 8:01
Oh my God, that's powerful.
You gotta keep pushing through to get that diamond right
Unknown Speaker 8:13
Junaid Ahmed 8:15
And so I noticed that you recently interviewed Danny Boy even on your podcast,
altovise 8:21
he isn't he
Junaid Ahmed 8:24
gentleman and I'm in his group, the champions group and he's every day he's bringing positivity, he's asking questions. And one time he had this image posted, where it's an image where two people are digging and one guy comes up and he's got this tiny diamond he's shows off. And this guy's like, Whoa, this guy found this diamond down there. And he starts digging his own. You know, his struggle and he jumps into the other hole like okay, let me go find my you know, find a dad. And in there. And then they zoom out from that picture and you see that there's a huge diamond, where he was like if he had only continued his own route and then a little while longer to slow him longer, because everybody comes from a totally different journey from a totally different mindset from totally, you know, everybody has their individual stories and journeys and in their individual characteristics, and no two people are the same, even if they're twins, they have so such a different personality and you've gotta stop being a copycat and do your own thing.
altovise 9:49
You know, it's interesting, when it came to my journey, when I tried to follow the structure and the strategies because Can I be honest in Say that absolutely. The Guru's they got it. They got strategies, they didn't have million dollar and billion dollar strategies, amazing strategies. But just because it's a billion dollar strategy does not mean it's going to be your billion dollar strategy.
Junaid Ahmed 10:18
That's right.
altovise 10:18
I found myself bumping my head over a couple walls, trying to implement everything that I was being twin, and all of the things that were you know, you know, do it this way, go about it this way, change up this way. And none of it worked for me. I that first year that I rebranded in 2016 the first three classes that I went and marketed I had absolutely no signups.
Junaid Ahmed 10:47
altovise 10:48
None. And it wasn't until that four thing keep pushing. thing that I went and launched was my accountability group. And it was a membership It was weekly accountability. Um, it's still going strong today, three years, almost four years later. And it turned into the foundation for my business, which is the world voice league. Yeah. But if I would have stopped because I would have said Oh, well I lost three times nobody signed up. And and that that's just that I know it just wasn't that wasn't what they want it from me.
Unknown Speaker 11:30
That wasn't what they needed.
Junaid Ahmed 11:32
Yeah, that's that's really powerful because it all comes down to doing those 10,000 experiments because it it's all an experiment, right? I mean, we all go through life experimenting, is this going to work? Is this going to work? And sure there are Surefire things that you can go through and get to a stopping point because it's it's all a matter of One journey to the next journey to the next journey. You're taking bus stops from one step to the next up that bus is not going to take you any further than that. Stop. If you got to get on your airplane, or you got to get on your other train, you know it's it's different journeys. And sometimes you're like, Okay, I'm here now. Where's the where's the starting point? Where do I board on the next journey? and lot of time people are struggling to find that next boarding, you know that that next gate, where is that next gate? And
yeah, that's that's really powerful.
altovise 12:43
Yes, indeed. And the other thing is we have to remember to that everybody's traveling the journey by a different means of a mode of transportation. You have some people that are walking some people that are driving some people may be on a flight Some may be on a spaceship. Some, you know, everybody's traveling using a different mode of transportation. Just because that's transportation that's working for them doesn't mean it's going to work for you. Exactly. You know, you, you have to have a driver's license if you attempt to drive a car without a driver's license. And I'm just going to give you the insight on that one goes bad.
Junaid Ahmed 13:26
That's a really excellent point because
Unknown Speaker 13:29
boiler alert, it goes,
Junaid Ahmed 13:31
it's gonna go bad, right? It's like, when you first and you can look at you can look at a child, you know, life or even your own life. You know, when when did you start driving you right? You had to go take the test, you have to get that driver's license, then you try to drive and it's even for cycling if you if you think somebody else's, you know, they're getting there faster because they're riding a bike. Well, you kind of know how to ride a bike. Right? And I was so today I was taking my son to the appointment and I saw a sign behind. A dump truck and says we're looking for operators and, you know, loaders or whatever. I'm like, you know, that's really interesting. I wonder what it would take somebody to be able to be hired. I'm sure they would need a different license driver's license to be able to operate heavy machinery because the driver license that we have to upgrade a level c car, which is any car, or a SUV or a or a light truck, but anything bigger than that, the dynamics, the physics and everything, all that change. financially.
altovise 14:42
Exactly, exactly. And it's a process because before a certain age, you can't dry. Exactly. Now we've had some try and oh, there's a news and 10 year old and nine year olds that are out there trying but there's a reason why you're not seeing goes to drive into a certain age, and it's because of your reflexes is because of your mental capacity, your ability to focus and, you know, there's so many different things. So we can't i
Unknown Speaker 15:13
can't force the process.
Junaid Ahmed 15:15
Yeah. You have to be a certain age and, and that goes directly into the, you know, my my son was asking me, what can I drive because he saw a Mazda Miata parked at the gas station, and it's a tiny car. It's like, Can kids buy that car? Like, sure, like, Can but you need a driver's license, like Well, can I pay and get a driver's license? like well, that you have to meet the age requirement and they got to be at least 16 years old, like, but why? I quote, because, you know, you've got to have these mental capacities, be able to view all the mirrors and you know, look and judge around what is going on. All around you to be able to make those swift changes and be able to drive safely. And a lot of times, you'll see cars driving that says new driver or student driver, because they just got their license and they're just letting other drivers who's been driving for a while you were
my make a wrong turn. And that that comes back to you know, being or jumping into something like being a coach or being an author writing anything and as entrepreneurs. That label should clearly say that we're an entrepreneur, meaning we might do some things that might not work. Right. Sometimes some things might work, some things might not just because I'm an entrepreneur, just because I have a driver's license doesn't mean that Hundred percent successful driving eight times I just started.
altovise 17:07
Exactly you got to understand what's going to work for you. And and be okay with walking away. I think that's one of the That's true. That's the most important things is that I have to be okay with saying no have to be okay with walking away. You know some people get scared when it comes to firing a client or, you know firing a coach or, you know, just being able to
Unknown Speaker 17:34
say, this isn't working.
altovise 17:39
Let me do something that's going to work instead.
Yeah. Instead we'll stay in that that toxic, you know, environment will stay in that toxic relationship.
And it's dangerous. Yeah.
Junaid Ahmed 17:55
Absolutely. Man
Some heavy stuff, some really knowledgeable and actionable stuff, actually, right? All of this information super actionable because, hey, if you're able to look at what your life is right now, see what mistakes you're making unable to accept those mistakes and learn from them and make a change. Then you've learned something, then you're growing.
altovise 18:32
almost definitely. I tell people all the time, one of the reasons why I'm so transparent about my journey, and I never want you to think that it's all it's all glitter and rainbows. It's it's not. would would I quit this and go back to working a job?
Unknown Speaker 18:54
No, no. Yeah.
altovise 18:57
Yeah. But this, it has Its bumps and bruises, I have my scars. You know, I have my battle wounds from you know, doing this journey and I'm just five years in as an entrepreneur. And the first two years I was still working well, first three years I was still working a full time job. Yeah, in the first two years I wasn't even focused on what it is I wanted to do. The first two years I was MLM and, and just trying to figure out how something try to do it all. Yeah. And it takes you some time and i think that's that's one of the things that we don't discuss enough is that it's going to take time you know, we have so many people that will go and push the overnight success and push. You know you making a million dollars this weekend.
But they didn't do tonight.
They have about 100 million followers of Which is why they were able to make a million in a week. Exactly.
Junaid Ahmed 20:06
So true, you know, reminds me of the different struggles that other people go through. Well, we're all other people going through different struggles. But one specific story that I remember reading Kevin Hart's book, right, his autobiography. And of course, audible is so much easier. So I did the audible version and it was really awesome is that Kevin Hart himself in a read his own book?
altovise 20:38
Yes. It was so funny listening to itself stood out.
Junaid Ahmed 20:43
Yeah, it did.
altovise 20:45
But listening to it in his actual release to that took me under.
Junaid Ahmed 20:51
Exactly. And then his story right his his work ethic. The reason he's been so successful is because He built that work ethic, thanks to his mom. Right? You're not doing nothing, you're going to be either swimming or going to school, or being by my side. You know, she made sure that he was super busy all the time. And then waiting, all that waiting for waiting for a bus to get from one place to the other place, you know, didn't have those luxuries. But then that built in him that the resilience, the resilience and the work ethic, which enabled him to go and build his, you know, ask his own terms for all the movies that he's in. He writes his own dialogues, every single movie, and that's what everything comes so authentic, because nobody else wrote it for him. It's him who's writing it down. Like, wow, dude, that's, I mean, that just blows My mind I mean driving your own. He's, he's he's essentially written his own ticket. And to be able to do that, right, he worked his ass off. He's like, we're going to go town to town to town. Let me get these emails, tell people were coming, you know, and then he took he did he did that journey. Really awesome. But if if you guys haven't had a chance to listen to his book, you got to check it out. And it's really cool. Awesome.
altovise 22:31
Most definitely. I think one of the things that stood out from his book, I'm such a reader. I'm a reader Holic. And one of the things that stood out was, it was real about, you know, after the failure of the show. Yeah, he really was going through depression and he didn't want to do anything. He didn't want to get up. He didn't want it because you it was like you came off of this high. You had success you had even if it was a small amount if it was a big amount. have success, something happens and knock still legs from underneath you and your left time to
figure out. What's next.
Yeah. What's next? What, what am I going to do now? And even though those two words, it's only two words, it's a small sentence.
So, it's so hard to answer.
Junaid Ahmed 23:30
What's next for you? And that goes back to the point. You know, you've you've taken you've gotten on the bus. And in school, you know, going, going to high school, going through college, for your college, wherever. That's the bus trip. Right? Everybody's shopping on this bus. Some people get left behind because they stopped, you know, the bus stopped, go use the restroom, whatever. And then people just didn't Get back on the bus, you know, so they got left behind didn't finish college. They get to the destination. But once you get to that destination, all right, you've got your degrees and then that's why they have those amazing commencement speeches. Trying to tell you that keep doing what you're doing.
altovise 24:19
Exactly, yeah.
Junaid Ahmed 24:21
Don't give up your dream.
Unknown Speaker 24:26
Don't do it.
Unknown Speaker 24:29
altovise 24:32
will be you'll be you'll be thinking about this this same moment. 20 years from now. You'll be looking at your children Try me plain to them. The same thing some I tried to explain to you
Junaid Ahmed 24:48
one book that I started reading.
It's called.
So in in it there was a quote about You know, the sun, the author asks this audience and ask them. What do you think is the most expensive place and people are naming islands. They're naming cities or naming states and whatnot. And then he goes, No, you're wrong. It's like what you mean? Like, well, the most expensive place
is the graveyard.
Because people who've died who didn't follow through their dreams, things they want to do, because when you're on your deathbed, glass day of your life, you're not going to be like, Oh, man, I should have spent another day at work. Oh, a man should spend another day waiting in mind. No, you think about those dreams that you have. Right? So this book by Todd Henry is called die empty. Unleash your best work every day. So living by that philosophy Die empty, you know, get get your ideas out in front of the world.
Yeah, that's it.
Unknown Speaker 26:11
We think that
Junaid Ahmed 26:15
it's already been done.
Yeah, right. That's the imposter syndrome, right?
altovise 26:21
Yeah, we think it's already been done. It's a saturated market. And so we start to question, are we really supposed to be the next dot, dot dot? Are we really supposed to be going into this industry? And we really do question ourselves and say, No, well, no, it's enough people out there already doing that. And so I'm not going to write my book. Yeah. I'm not going to get on stage and speak. But when we do that
we're robbing somebody of their future.
Junaid Ahmed 27:01
I mean, I mean take a look at in this world we have Snapchat right snapped. I came out with this technology where dad 10 second videos. That's it. Facebook try to buy him. Right? And dad fit that does it? No, not selling you this, like fine, we'll make another app. Facebook tried to make another app that mimicked it didn't really work. But now now look at all the apps that are using that same technology in their apps, Instagram, Facebook. Twitter even has it right, all of these apps have that same story capability, just because one's doing it. I mean, that's why we have so many different grocery stores. Sure, you might go to one grocery store. There's a ton of grocery stores, there's a ton of dentists. There's it because there's a billion there's just 7.6 billion people in this world. Somebody needs to hear your story. So write that book when you can.
altovise 28:17
That's it. And it's interesting because I know somebody posted online the picture of the breakdown and they said if you think that it's a saturated market just walk down the bread out. Exactly. There's so many brands of bread and and then it has the nerve to come out with new brain what
Junaid Ahmed 28:38
Unknown Speaker 28:39
it's break. Yeah, but Huh,
altovise 28:43
that's it's what people want to chip
it's what people want. There's there's a hole out just bread. There's Wow, just the chips. There's the cloud, just the water.
Junaid Ahmed 28:57
Yeah, I think I think people will They're what they're hung up on is that they want the next big thing like like that company or that bakery that came up with the corona that's the next big thing like whoa. But now everybody every every bakery you can get a Corona sure it's not the original one but it still tastes the same and I don't want to get no backlash because I haven't tasted original I've only tasted the one from Dunkin donut right so yeah, it's it's crazy.
altovise 29:34
Oh, it puts you in that bit mindset of not good enough. You know, you know how we get into that childhood mindset of I can't do it. I'm not big enough. I'm not old enough. All what was me I wish I was older. So that way I could do it. And is that you know, that childhood mentality comes like reread Head. In those times where we know, we have the purpose,
we have a vision. We have
the passion for it, but we won't go after it. Because we are we're also thinking about making sure the bills are taken care of and have holes in their shoes and are the electric paid for this month, you know, those types of things are always in the back of our mind. But here it is, we have a vision that can take us so much further. I was listening to an interview with Jeff Bezos. And he was talking about you know, one of the things that he did when he was when he was starting Amazon was that, you know, he was excited about it because he thought,
Unknown Speaker 30:48
when I'm at, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 30:52
What am I going to think about this investment? What am I going to think
altovise 30:55
about starting this company and what that's going to feel like he's just Man, even if I fail,
Junaid Ahmed 31:04
gotta try to try.
Or like Yoda says it's Do or do not there is no try, man.
All right, um,
what is some of your motivations for the things that you do? I mean, we talked a lot about you know about that why we're doing these things because, you know, we're we're very motivated in helping others in reaching out and touching another person's soul. So what are some of your motivations on a daily basis? I'm sure your children are one of them.
altovise 31:57
Yes, my babies, my babies. I am Me single mother for teenagers keep me busy, busy, busy, busy. But one of the things that I always said over them was that I wanted them to have a different experience in life than what I ever had. And I was born and raised in Philadelphia. You know, there were there are many that I grew up with that are no longer here and I'm only 39 and so there are many that did not make it past 25 there's many that did not make it past 20. And I said I wanted a different experience for them.
Junaid Ahmed 32:35
altovise 32:36
So we of course no longer live in Philadelphia. We live in a small town, but we're creating our own experiences and they there. They range in their personalities, but they're on into the arts. Two of them have played no three of them played instruments are are still playing instruments. They're looking into speaking different languages, they're wanting to travel the world. They love to travel here in the States. They, they, it's a different atmosphere for them completely. And that was one of the things one of the things that drove me was, you know, just having that different experience for them.
Junaid Ahmed 33:23
altovise 33:24
And so when they see me do stuff is interesting, because when they see me do stuff, you know, I'm still just
Unknown Speaker 33:29
Unknown Speaker 33:33
Mom, I
altovise 33:34
go live does this podcast thing? Yeah. He wrote a couple books. And, you know, he does something. At my son, he made me smile. The one day he came to me, he just he just is honest. He said, So how exactly did you make money? Go. What do you did? Because they when they when I worked a job, they saw me leave. They saw me stress they saw me, you know, goal and, and he nailed him home and I like I said, I live stream I podcast. I'm writing books and he's just like how exactly do you make money? Yeah. So you know, we had that conversation and I broke it down for him and he said, Oh, he said, so people pay you to help them.
Unknown Speaker 34:31
Yes, they pay me to help them.
Unknown Speaker 34:36
tell their story.
Junaid Ahmed 34:37
altovise 34:38
That's what it is. Everything that
I do, that's what it's connected to, is helping somebody to tell their story.
Junaid Ahmed 34:46
That's really powerful.
I love it. I love it so far. All right. Well, we've had a really amazing conversation. Get to learn about your journey. Learn about you know, why you do the things that you're doing and how you make money and how we should also be making money you know through helping each other out and wherever your powers are, you know go get those out to the world because that is makes that is what makes you unique. This is there's some question that I that I always like to ask my guests towards the end and what is one hobby that you wish you got into?
Unknown Speaker 35:43
altovise 35:45
I have to say one of the hobbies that I wish I had gotten into was learning and like learning to play music.
Unknown Speaker 35:51
I love to write
Unknown Speaker 35:55
but I am a music junkie
altovise 35:59
reading Writing and listening to music. That's That's me. You would not find me for hours on end. And my children had the opportunity to learn different instruments with thing. But the music is one of the things that really connects all of us. Yeah. So the running joke in my home is if you were standing outside of my home and we never came out the door, you would not know what genre you would not know what nationality lived in my home. reggae, reggae tone, Calypso, jazz, r&b, hip hop k pop. When I tell you it runs the gambit.
Junaid Ahmed 36:45
It's awesome.
altovise 36:46
It runs the gambit. And they're my girls are actually into musical.
Unknown Speaker 36:55
Learn about
altovise 36:56
all the old musicals and learn about all the old things hours and things that they do. I mean is just you would not know at all at any given time there could be techno playing or they could be reggae music playing and you would just be as confused as
Unknown Speaker 37:15
outside of the window.
Junaid Ahmed 37:18
Yeah, absolutely. That's That's awesome. I love music as well and it's it's really powerful what it can do and bring people together. Fantastic. know, going in the same genre will a little bit over adding some visuals to the music part. What will be your favorite movie or TV show?
altovise 37:45
So I have a couple shows that
I love. I'm into the crime shows so Criminal Minds is like,
Unknown Speaker 37:51
altovise 37:53
but I'm just recently because I've had a little more downtime. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 37:58
I started doing
altovise 38:00
How to Get Away with Murder and anatomy. Most people would think okay, well you're just you know, binge watching those because they're on Netflix, none of them.
Unknown Speaker 38:11
I love storytelling.
Junaid Ahmed 38:13
altovise 38:14
And so certain shows are really good at storytelling and for instance, with How to Get Away with Murder, how it's broken down that it takes you through the season is taking you back to present day and then previous day, you know, back in the past, that just, I love every bit of it. Yeah, this drove it dreamy in completely. But it also, you know, it intrigued me it you know, it made me think about things that I have gone on, and it goes back to what Jeff Bezos was talking about, you know, projection and literally saying, okay, when I'm at and I look back on this, how am I going to feel We're seeing it. So I love crime shows. And I just found out recently through a conversation with my son I really love heist movies. I don't know if if I should be saying this or
Junaid Ahmed 39:14
not. I think you're you're absolutely right. Talking about heist movies over here because one of the the greatest heist movie of all time is endgame to do a time heist to go back in time.
altovise 39:30
Yes. I never even thought of it that way. Yeah. Oh my goodness. I absolutely love that. I, my son was like, you know, he's weak because he just graduated high school. So we've been spending a little bit more time together. Like, you know what movie you want to watch? Yeah, my favorites are you know, Italian Job. seconds. I love those. All have well not. Okay, we'll say all of the Fast and Furious 40
Junaid Ahmed 40:02
We can skip number three, it's okay.
altovise 40:05
I love how they were able to bring three back
Junaid Ahmed 40:07
in later. Oh, that was really good.
altovise 40:10
It was really good. And again it's back to me storytelling. Oh three kind of threw me back and I was okay with it but man just looking just again it's you know, the anticipation the build up and something happens and how are you going to balance but I love that
I love it.
Junaid Ahmed 40:32
Yeah, it's really it's really powerful. And and what's funny right they are on movie number nine now with with Shaw and Hobbes.
Unknown Speaker 40:43
I know.
Junaid Ahmed 40:45
Awesome. You wouldn't believe it right? It's it's one of the longest trilogies. Well, it's not a trilogy anymore, but it's been a continuation. Shortly Marvel broke the record with 24 movies, but But you know, different stories coming together. But you know, continuing with one story Star Wars history, you know, they just got number nine improved or coming later this year I think but it was really, really a nice job that they've been doing over there.
altovise 41:20
And you know, it's funny when when you look at the franchise as a whole Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 41:25
I love that
altovise 41:27
some of the actors that they've had did not start out acting.
Junaid Ahmed 41:32
Yeah didn't
altovise 41:34
that absolutely blows my mind and it's just the whole franchise has been such a huge success. But some of the people on there were not did not start out as actors. Yeah. And it just goes to show when you see something that you really want to go after it go all in go hundred percent all and I know when the rock you know major transition when
Luda Chris was first trying to make his transition if
you look back at Tyrese, he started out singing
Unknown Speaker 42:12
on a commercial.
Junaid Ahmed 42:15
That's so true. That is very true and talking about actors, movie actors, some of the people that started out as background extras, Brad Pitt is one of those guys right? And what's really cool that we're just jumping into the next question and talking about so you know your favorite movie and and the, the, how the actress grew through the movie timelines what movie would you choose if you got to play a character in it? So you get to pick a character in a movie that you get to play
altovise 43:01
So I there's oh my goodness, wow. So there's like, two,
one I would say no to
because I can't really say, okay, but that would be the story of Lena Horne.
Junaid Ahmed 43:16
altovise 43:17
story for me and her life. And then the other one would be I think the other one would possibly be a toss up with either the story of Michelle Obama or the story of Dr. Maya Angelou only because I, you know, we see that, again, the progression, where they came from how much work they really put into, you know, really achieving their dreams and literally them achieving something that was beyond where they even thought they would go. Yeah.
Junaid Ahmed 43:50
It's amazing what the human mind can do.
Unknown Speaker 43:52
Yeah, truly, truly amazing. Fantastic.
Junaid Ahmed 43:58
Alright, last question.
Who is your favorite superhero?
altovise 44:05
Ah, let's see. I am a superhero fan. But let's see. I like Wonder Woman.
But I would have to say that my absolute favorite and this is little, probably a little weird, but Iron Man is my favorite.
Junaid Ahmed 44:24
He's my favorite too. Oh my God, my entire podcast journey question is based on what he does in his movie. And his you know, the first movie, you see the journey, you see how he's in a cave and he builds like, the building process is what? What I'm really passionate about how things work and work together. That's what I love about so awesome. Where can my audience from act you know there's one more question and this is this is where you it's a very special question if you are a board game
what would it be?
altovise 45:12
Wow a board game so
Unknown Speaker 45:18
Unknown Speaker 45:27
I would have to say
altovise 45:32
that I would be you know, I'd have to say I would be the game of clue
Junaid Ahmed 45:38
There you go. Nice.
altovise 45:42
Yeah, I would have to say I'd be the game of clue I there's been enough going on in my life that
you really don't know what's in that envelope.
Junaid Ahmed 45:54
So true. So true.
So powerful. Awesome. Well, also, this is really awesome chatting with you. Thank you so much for your time. Where can my audience find you?
altovise 46:10
So you can connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram at worldly sleep. On Facebook, if you put in hashtag real voice lead and come join our free Facebook group, awesome love supporting people from all over the world. That's one of the things that we are really big on providing the world with an opportunity in the platform to have their voice heard. And, you know, everything that we do outside of that is, you know, it's just icing on the cake. Yes,
Junaid Ahmed 46:45
it is. Absolutely. Well, thank you so much again for your time. This was really lovely talking with you. I'm really wish you an awesome day and we'll connect again, thank you so much for your time. Stephen, thank you so much for taking the time to listen to this episode on hacks and hobbies. We absolutely appreciate your contribution. You can find additional notes on hacks and hobbies. com. please share the podcast with your friends and tell them what you learned about our guests today.
Transcribed by

Junaid Ahmed has been a user experience designer for over 15 years. As a UX professional, he uses the user-centered design philosophy to come up with solutions. Trust the system, it works!
“People say that we only live once, but I believe in living every day!”
Junaid has been interviewing people from all walks of life on his podcast Hacks and Hobbies.