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In what seems to be like a multi-year plan to get on the podcast Grayson Scott set in motion events that would make this interview possible and even get me to start a podcast talking about Queen Bees.

My very good friend Grayson Scott joins us on the Hacks and Hobbies podcast and talks about how he is making his hobby work for him and how he’ll help other aspiring indie-filmmakers follow his foot-steps in achieving nirvana.

Join Grayson and I as we get back to the basics of what it means to build up a roster of technology, on film, 3d animation, sound design, music, graphics and beyond.

Enjoy the episode!

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Thank you for tuning into hacks and hobbies with your host Junaid in season two of hacks and hobbies were visited by our amazing guests coming from all walks of life, what you learn their story, their struggles and their journey on how to get to where they are today. So stick around.

Let's get started. Man.

Okay, you're gonna tell me what you want to talk about first?

Yes. So

I mean, we could jump right in. And because see, that's the other thing that we probably want to talk about is because because you're producing podcast, right? He's just started started and right. So you're used to started and there's a lot of things that you're learning as you go along like oh, I could do this better or I could do that better

I'm in the same process

I think

I think I'm pretty unique situation. And a lot of what I'm doing is because apparently I'm a giant loser and that I've seen all of this stuff after doing all of this stuff for a long time. Like I've been doing audio for a good decade. A decade. Yeah, I mean, I mean serious audio like I've been doing, you know, industrial work yeah, for Fortune 500 companies like this stuff. And then this is why I'm a loser is because I never thought to translate to do this stuff for myself.

Okay, Mike, you probably do this but

I think it was about a year plus ago where I was working for this company a startup is before I was consulting before

and I set up a green screen and I set up but I set up a podcast station for them and I set up a green screen and all that stuff. And the thing that was funny about it is I didn't have I didn't have a single question on how to do all that stuff because I've done it so many times.

Like an exactly it's like driving the car Yeah, I know

exactly what to do and I know exactly how to go about doing it and doing it and doing it very well and then it just dawned on me it's like as I'm setting up this green screen right had this like amazing system most look like really proud of the system was like what am I Why am I Why am I sitting around in my garden what I don't do this stuff I want to do and I have all the tools everything that I need to do I I can't even begin to tell you how many hundreds of hours of film production and stuff that I've done and not many I went to school for this stuff

door because of who work for somebody else

yeah i mean i would score 3d animation and film special effects I know exactly how to do this it's awesome so but then never did it for myself

so those are some of the topics we can talk about so we haven't started yet

that was cold it was that His goal was podcast goal is

podcast that's the intro

beginning you have to tell me when we're starting because I just can't keep giving you this starting

we can start in the back I mean

this could be the pot This is the podcast man this is it this is it did it because because

that's a part of the podcasting and you know talk to one of the guys and he's like as soon as I'm on a call with somebody I start recording no matter what we're talking desk goal that's Creek as your

every phone call every

cuz he's a coach oh so that's that's literally what he does. It's not

like when he's on the call with horizon recording

actually that that won't be too bad because that's some good material especially frickin there's a podcast called reply all and it's it's hilarious because this guy gets a call from the scammer telling them that there's a virus on his computer. He's like, hold on a second. Let me hit record.

He recorded this entire conversation with this Indian dude. Try to tell them you know that there's a problem on his computer and that you know there's a virus and that they can help them fix it and didn't have to transfer $5,000.


It's amazing. It is amazing. And then so this entire podcast is like two hours long.

That's like Mac keeper. Is it? I'm pretty sure Mac keeper.

It's not Mac Keeper, it's ReplyAll. Oh,

no. No, Mac keeper is a software that you can buy for your mouth to clean it and all the stuff.

Okay, oh, no no no, it's not that.

Everything leads you to buy more like geek on demand. Oh, yeah. We'll fix everything for thousand dollars. No, I just bought a 99 cent piece of software to fix the two different my hard drive. I don't

need it. So, Grayson. So right now

we're starting. This is the beginning. Okay. This is the beginning

guys. I have an amazing genius mind of trapped in this audio box.

I've met him on the job. And before this, I did not know that he existed. And I was blown away.

Although I think completely aware of view.

Obviously he knew exactly who I was. He's like, Oh, I know him.

Right? It's when when you meet people like Dude, I didn't. I didn't know you existed. And now you exist in my my line of sight. And you know, we're driving together to the train station. And oddly enough,

this this was a multi year plan for me to get on this podcast

I heard that

you've been following me

I heard that junaid five years ago was going to start a, start a podcast. And so I went through all of this work got hired at the same job and got to know him

what's funny is that you put the bug in my ears to start talk. Start talking about queen bee. That was your idea.

Start talking about what

Remember I told you so. I'm starting beekeeping. I started beekeeping remember and you're like, yes, you need to give me some honey. Like, and then it's like, oh, I'm going to do podcast. He's like, dude, you should totally talk about queen bee. You know, queen bees, right?


Beyonce. So that was my first episode on this podcast based on what you put in my ear. So you've obviously been true

it's true. It's a multi year plan.

Oh my god.

Your first podcast was about Beyonce.

Yeah is about queen bee, I talk about Beyonce and then I talk about queen bee

I gotta go back and listen I mean Isn't it funny how you've never listened to the first podcast you find a new podcasts I never go I you know you scroll all the way down I never go back to the first one

it's like what's the latest one which was he doing now

hearing you talk about Beyonce for a good 20 minutes is something I I need to experience

I might be I might have you disappointed cause it did not talk about her for 20 minutes but it's a good amount

so here we have Grayson Scott he is an amazing multi talented individual I've as the more I learned about him the more we talked on our rides to the train station and on our rides to the camera store or the Apple Store can't remember we went to a lot of different places

well I yeah, I should preface I'm your I'm your typical East coaster that I don't have a car so I would mooch rides to the train station on a daily basis from Junaid

It was awesome. I mean, we got to we got to uncover a lot of cool things. We got to learn about each other. And I told you multiple times, dude, you need to start a podcast. You need a partner. And you're like, you know who does a podcast. David Burkis I'm like, who is David Burkis and you're like, he's my brother in law. Right? And then I was like, oh, David Burkis. So then I go dig, dig him up. I listened to some of his podcasts. And I reached out to him. And it was just funny story and ended up buying his book friend of a friend. So Grayson you're here and,

and you you stalked them online.

I stalked him online, I mean, that's what you do nowadays, right?

Yeah. And for good for good prep.

You wrote them notes.

I wrote some notes.

You look, you look pretty good. There's restraining order add on. You got a little it got weird.

Well, when you are public personality, there's no privacy.

It's awful isn't it?

it is, it's it's awesome. I think I think it's awesome. And that's what

I don't

Seth Godin says in his book, and this is marketing, he says there is no privacy you might think there is. But there is no privacy. Every single engine that we are on is using our knowledge, our text and content into building themselves up.

That's true. You know, actually, the thing that I'm freaking out about right now is, you know, on Facebook, they have the 10 year thing Oh, yes. Bring on people poet is okay. So people post because I don't know when you're going to post this this product and be like in March of 2021.

So back in the days when there used to be a Facebook right before flying cars future you actually post this

I don't know if cars have to do with Facebook at five anyways. Okay. So they have this thing where that you post where you were 10 years ago. And then today, and someone who's hurting wrote something that said, you guys this is this was started by Facebook to improve their API on how their AI sees aging in human beings. That is, that is freaky. Indeed. It's like,

Oh, that's why they're doing it.

So Facebook is just like dance little puppets. Just give them whatever data they want

me all the data so we can correctly identify you what you look like, 10 years ago. And

what in just in general, so that the AI has all the larger data to understand how to track

you know, aging south, I was got this super crazy, so sorry, you're I keep interrupting you. You you've tried to start this introduction. I think this is where I keep interrupting us. Because every time you start, you talk about what a genius I am. And I'm just

you know, he just can't can't.

Let's do that again.

So here we have Grayson Scott. He's a multi talented genius about he's, he's done so many different things that I've dreamt of doing. I don't like what you you've done that already. Yes. He's like, yeah, I've written three books. I'm like, Yeah, I've done this musical score, have done this play. So. So for a long time, I've been telling Grayson, you should start a podcast. It's like, I don't know what to talk about. And then recently, he's like, you know, I'm thinking of doing this movie. I'm now in New York. And I was like, dude, you should totally document the entire process of how you're going to get this accomplished. And that's going to be a really good material for whatever it is you want to do from there on. And Grayson started that podcast earlier this month, I think,

yeah, I said, well, it's a new year, it's back in the ancient days of 2019 days of doing it, once again, you know, when they're in the future, when people eventually hear this podcast, you

know, that's a really good way of talking about things because I should probably professed it to all my guests. Like, you know, we don't know when this podcast can be edited. So let's make it future proof

back before the days of the dystopian bores and

the savage years of

No, actually, it's rate generated, been pushing me to do this podcast. And that was the thing is, I wanted to have something to say. And honestly, I was going to do the film regardless in 2019, or at least get it started. But the thing that really pushed me over the edge was my daughter came out

to hang out with me during the holiday season. And she's just she just as amazing artists, right? And she, her goal in life is to be a storyboard or at Pixar right that's what she wants more than anything that's amazing. Um, and she's she's getting really good at it. And the thing that I thought about it was is what so years and years ago I interviewed at Pixar and one of the reasons why I didn't I didn't go there was essentially when you when you get a job with Pixar or any animation studio you're hired for the couple years that for that film and then you have to reapply or you have to to get invited to be a part of the next film otherwise you're just an employee right every every single production cycle you have to

your invited

to revalue late revaluation revaluation

try one more time that was fun

like a reevaluation. You get know that there wasn't

it either.


anyways. So the thought was that she wants to go into an industry of entertainment, which is a rough industry and so will finally got me off my bike was that was really for her and so that she's still in high school. And she has a few years. And so the idea was, is to really document a process of making a film of an indie film

from beginning to end, what it was like to write the script what it's like to try to get funding for it, what's it like to actually cast and have all the production problems and have all of this stuff. And the idea is a step by step so that she can actually use it hopefully, when she wants to do some of this stuff on her own when she gets older stuff. That was that was the thing that I was like, I really need to help out this amazing young woman. So yeah, so it's been it's been going well for the 17 days.

And in a day of at ADHD, I could be done and get it done. Next week you've ever done you just gotta go. Here's the

next thing. You know, it's funny, as I got to speak with Kevin Jay Roberts earlier

actually, last year, he's an expert on ADHD. And he actually wrote a book called Schindler's gift and how Oscar Schindler the movie that's based on him Schindler's List, he was an ADHD or he had issues and he was able to use that the techniques are the gifts of ADHD to save 1200 lives mean isn't that just amazing?

Yeah, that is actually there's a lot of really, really famous people that actually have it that are that are that have to deal with a DD

I have a I have a particular sort that I was diagnosed with because they pay up tested me and I was off the scale like literally the doctors like we can't document how weird you are. And and so this this doctor was actually was really interesting. He was really interested in it. And so he started like, looking into it a little bit more and did a bunch of tests. And I was a guinea pig farm for like a year. And what he did is he came back with me and said

that I have a thing called hyper focus disorder. So it's actually the opposite of what you think it is. It's It's not that I don't focus. It's just that I'm so focused that when I had like, because I'll be sitting here working and then I'll get up and walk out the door and forget my keys. forget my code, forget everything. And so it looks like I'm completely like, I'm not focused at all. But the problem is, I literally sometimes can't turn it off. Yeah. So which is which is a giant pain because just like anybody who has to live with me has to hear about every single idea that I ever have. And I just like don't let it go so

no that's that's an amazing gift because as you know also be hero say it is a gift but is it is also a curse. Yes it is my superpower. The superpower.

But you know Justin Timberlake has ADHD to so boom

there we go.

There you go. So it's okay okay it's

cool cool now

yeah as as as Will Smith by the way and Jim Carrey.

All right, man, I'm good. I need to go get tested can have a certificate that says

I am quality

sir. certificate that says broken,

broken like everybody else. That's awesome. New. That is amazing. So the flow of this podcast is really it's all about hobbies in himself about life, because hobbies are part of life that help us

be better versions of ourselves in one specific area.

Or why are you laughing? Because your podcast and you

know, I'm laughing at myself because I just remembered a my wife told me it's like, all you care about is your is your podcast. You don't care about anything else. Like, I know, I'm really bad. Yeah, well, you have recorded 700 podcasts and not

really, yeah,

released 700.

You've been interviewing people for like, for like, three years, and you've never released it like, well, they say, you know, you got to have a really good long tail. And so that's what I'm aiming for. for that long tail.

I've I've never heard that phrase, you've never heard the long tail.


marketing, how do you not know about long tail, or maybe it's an advertising term term,

long tail. So when you when you do Google search, and when you search for terms, and you look at keyword

retention, you'll see a spike in the middle. And then you see, you know, people still searching for that same term, just not at a higher frequency, you know, over time. So you get to see, oh, people are still searching for that term. And whereas these terms going to, you know, where, like, Who's, who's turning up on those searches. So that's the long tail. So not only not just focus for the high hits the heavy hits today and tomorrow, but also look at who's going to be searching for your content. 30, 6090, 120

days from now. So that's a long

Oh, Okay, I got it.

There you go.


now, you've worked, we've learned we learned some things, something brand new. I mean, that's, we haven't done that in the past 700 days.

Well, you haven't released the


wait, when people are gonna be like, this is a really good podcast, but it sounds like he interviewed people in 2002,

you know, you know, that's something that's something Jerry also always says, he's like, I wish I had documented the process of me taste testing before I could even drink wine. Because he was like, 16 years old. And he's, he's tasting dirt. He's testing grass. It's like, oh, basically, developing his palate.

So document is great. And that's and that's where you're on the right step man doing the podcast and documenting the process. And the reason behind it is, is simply amazing, too. I love it.

Yeah, I think so. I think so. It's, it's something that I'm actually having a lot of fun doing that too, but I I did. Okay. So I'll actually talk about your hobbies. Get to the post office. Others. By the way, I'm gonna say I'm going to talk about the hobby. And then I'm going to instantly divert

we used to have these discussions at lunch like non stop and it was the most unfocused

just mess, but we used to sit in this cafeteria of this stupid, like, horrible, like, uptight company that we both worked for him and, and literally be like, with, with our gang of designers and artists, just crying and laughing so hard. And people, just people just staring at us, like, What is wrong with you.

So we get off track easily. Okay, but I will talk hobby,

I forgot what has been talking about. But that was a really good way that you try to segue back into the hobby. I noticed that that was, that was good. Good work on that. Thank you. It's like you've interviewed. Okay, so it sounds to stop making jokes about you not releasing your podcast, and I will say this, the reason why I'm giving you a hard time I want to hear it.

Yeah, no, I totally agree. So no, you have heard them, I hope.

Okay. So yeah, no, I'm having a great time doing I will say the, the, the biggest challenge on a personal level is doing all of this stuff that it takes to grow the podcast. So I'm doing I'm writing a blog daily, I'm doing bi weekly podcasts. And then I'm gonna do monthly video blogs that basically some other everything that's happened during the month. So I'm doing all that plus all of the work that it takes to actually write the film and try to do everything it takes to actually make the film. So it is interesting, but I have a good start on it. I think it's actually going really well. So far. I'm like, the script is pretty funny. So I should preface saying that. So what I'm doing what I'm doing is a is a romantic comedy set in New York City. So we're going to film all throughout New York City.

And I do have a background doing stand up. So I do, I do stand up in New York, performed at the comedy cellar, and, and a bunch of really great places been doing it for several years. So what I'm doing, it's really interesting is that I took the outline, but then when you when you're doing stand up, and you're going to write a joke, essentially what what it isn't stand up is that you have to have a joke every 10 seconds. So if you actually look at the really great people, you could literally time their jokes every 10 seconds or shorter that that they're actually getting the laugh Other than that, it just feels too long. Which means the average person speaking that's 26 words. So you have 26 words to set up and deliver a punch line. So if you're telling a story, you literally have to pace your story by every 26 words have some sort of laugh. And so I'm doing that with the film too. Nice. So everything that I'm doing is like every I have it down to my outline is completely done. So I know exactly what I want to say. And what I want to do. And then it's, it's a matter of going through and every 26 words having some sort of punch line. And the trick is to make it so it doesn't sound like a sitcom. Because a sitcom is set up punch line setup. punchline.

So yeah, it's fun.

You know, the beginning of the podcast, we were just talking and rambling. So now that you've given me this data, and I have to go look, and because we were laughing

26 a word that we were we had a joker

Oh, no, I'm not. No. But see, that's the thing about stand up is that it's so scripted. Like people, people thought the whole, the whole idea of stand up is to make it sound like you're just having a conversation, man. But every single joke has been tried and true, and tried and bombed. And you have to restart. And you know, like, there's so so many jokes that that I think is just absolutely hilarious that I haven't been able to bring to fruition because I literally have written jokes, where I'm at home. Laughing just laughing and crying. And then you got to work need to, you know, some of the people that will still listen to you, because you're an annoying comic, always trying out material, and they'd laugh and then you go get on stage. And it just dies. Just

it just doesn't just doesn't work for one reason, or the other. It's sounds because you've built a repertoire with people that that you've been around. And when you deliver to a brand new artist, you don't know who you are, like, that's not really funny. You might be fuzzy. But that specific line was not funny.

Yeah, and you just don't know what is gonna upset and it's also quarter like, I have jokes that I've done that that were dying, but then I change the order, they, they come in the set, and they really work. So the joke that you'd say beforehand, will definitely have an effect on the job that you saying afterwards. So. But that to write an entire script like this is is really fascinating. It's, it's a fascinating side working a puzzle you have. So you know, I have, I have to, I have 82 scenes and 82 scenes, you know, that averaged out two to three minutes per scene. And, but then you got to think about every five to eight seconds. You're having an edit. Yeah, right. So your turn to write all this stuff. And, and then the other interesting thing is, as, as I'm writing this, you have to think about,

can we actually film this, like, one of one of the scenes is, when I was a kid,

I might my

my dad really wanted me to go out and hunt with them. Like, and that's just I, I, I, I should say, on a personal even as a kid. I love big cities like I am a new I am a New Yorker. through and through. I love it's a boy. Literally, I literally go to New York to relax, like the sirens and the people and all that stuff. I just get there. And I'm like, Ah, this is

where most people are like, this is the worst. So so my dad when I was grew, I grew up in Colorado. So they take us up in the mountains and like three 4am and make a sit in just like a patch of wet grass in the middle of the trees hoping of large large mammal would come by that we could shoot it with bows and arrows. And if we ever did shoot, then you have to track it and then murder it. Skin it and this is not something I wanted to do on the weekends.

But my dad really wanted me to do it. And so what would happen is he only took me twice. And the first time we sat in this wet patch of grass in the middle of the Colorado, Rocky Mountains. And I got the hiccups like really


And I'm not talking like IKEA. Just like, you know, I was like making sounds like

that's like, like, just over and over. And my brothers really Shut up. Just shut up. Right sounds and I suppose if you don't shut up, I'm going to try to tie you to a tree and use you as

well. I call you please.

So there's like that scene there's a scene like that in the movie where we're going to cast this kid and he's gonna have to go hunting.

And so but the thing is, like, okay, but how do we do that? Had we actually find a location? How do you then not only that, how do you get a crew out to the location? How do you get a minor a young actor and in his parents, I'm assuming to try to that location to do all this stuff on this shoe. shoestring budget, you know, I in so there's just stuff like that. The little things like that. That's like, yeah, I really want to include this. But how do you rewrite it so that you get the same

the same effect?

Same, same effect? And I think I'm just gonna do it in Central Park.

Why not? You can totally, you know,

out of it. Now, I don't think you have to, I think what happens is walking through Central Park. And there's there's a few places where there's like, really dense trees that you could just do a close up. Yeah, that's it. Give them the idea that you're in a forest. And so and then there's stuff like, okay, so I want to shoot and shoot in Central Park. What sort of permits do I need?


Well, the thing with permits, I found that as long as you don't have a crew above three people, you don't need to you can, you don't need a permit, right. So that's where you see all these NYU, and Columbia and all these film students just running around the city, especially in Greenwich Village, you just see him running around shooting all the time. Pretty funny, because they'll need that. But you may need a special permit if you can do a part anyway. So the point is, is I'm trying to do all the marketing trying to do all this stuff and trying to write and put together the production and it's crazy. No, that's, that's just amazing. And, and, and have a job

at HR months. Yeah, man,

that's, that's what you get for being so creative and talented. And I have the same problem.

But I'm not. I'm not working on the whole movie. I'm just working on some chapters working on book and the podcast. I said, that's, that's my life.

You know, I had some really good questions in the middle. But I just want Oh, but I drove for every forgot should have written them down. But one of them was how you mentioned

what I respect is your professionalism. Janine Oh,

I forgot those amazing questions.


but it was, they're all in line with what you were talking about.

And I'm just going to keep dragging it to, like, pull those question out of my head, I guess. But it was, it was around a point where you're saying, you know, you're, you're working on these things. And, and you're thinking about all the things you know, and

yeah, whatever it is, we're gonna have to have another podcast so I can go re Listen, I'm like, hey,

a podcast

Did you just say we're gonna have another podcast forgot that I really wasn't paying attention

because I wasn't paying attention. Like,

I remember what I really wasn't paying that much attention to what's your

know, I was really interested what you're saying, Oh, I didn't pay attention to my own questions to write them down. And by the time I grabbed the pen, the, you know, they all disappear. But what's, what's awesome is, you know, the process of doing this, and there's, there's a, there's a, there's billions of people in the world. And there's, you'll discover people, and they're like, yeah, they've been doing this for a long time. And you're like, how did you get into this? Like, well, I was a professional at it. And then I decided that I didn't want to do that anymore. And I, you know, I just did it. Like,

I yeah, I totally I this is I'm very actually really upset with myself at the moment for that exact

thing. Because Don't be, you know, because there's no point in living in the past. We got to make the future I know, but here's the thing.

This is if I'm being honest, since this isn't going to air for a while, I can be honest, and hopefully my employer this by the time by the time to hear this podcast, my movie might be

quite well

hopefully this will be a good get in 2021 when this is released.

Grace and Scott, the director of the latest Academy Award winning indie film it man anyways, yeah, the, the, what has been say is

I always wanted to do like, like, literally always wanted to, I got into designed to give to help me in my film career, hopefully get into this.

And then I got into motion design to help hopefully get into film and I learned flashed, yeah, to get into film. I've been doing all this stuff to get into film. And like, I've been working for these corporations. They're like, Hey, we need we need to shoot industrial sponsors. did all that for years, hopefully, to get into it, you know, and then in my personal life, for some reason is just like a never did it. Even though in my back my head. I'm like, this is actually what I would prefer to be. Tell

me. You know, one thing, one thing again, I'm going to mention this genius dude.

Gary van der Chuck, he says, you know,

you might be working for a company for somebody else, eight to 11 hours a day, right? You're, you're spending 11 hours of your life doing this, you're spending 40 hours a week, whatever. But when you work for yourself, doing what you absolutely love, you will not mind working for 6080 hours the week because you're doing something that you're truly passionate about. And that's what you know, that's the motivation. And that's the goal centrally

See, I I don't it's your podcast. So I hate to say, I disagree

that you can disagreement. I like hey, I don't

disagree with you. I disagree with his day job. Because I had I had my own company. And, and I was doing something I was doing my my own stuff for a while. And it was my own company. And I and I was working like 20 hours a day. And it almost killed but the question is, was you were you doing

a movie?

Yeah, that see, right? That's what I'm what I'm talking about, essentially. So what you're saying is that if you do what your net your natural propensity, what's your naturally drawn? See, I believe that I I honestly think I one of my books that I wrote called the Third Age there's, there's a thing in there where this is set when the future we're basically these human races figured everything

that's around the time this podcast can be up be airing. So


if so. And one of the things was, there was a person in whose job it was to help people find their purpose and what they would what thing was, is that and I'm going to get very, very theory on very out there for a second is that I think one of the reasons why the world is so far out of balance is because people aren't doing what they're supposed to do. And I think if people did the stuff that they were naturally drawn to, if they did the stuff that that internally, almost like an instinct instinctively were drawn to do certain things, but most of us don't do it. So. So in other words, I want to make films, that's, that's the thing that I really want to do

that, but if I make films, how do I do it? Well, there's people out there who want to do nothing more than bake and make food and, and just love they love that as much as it and there's people who actually really do love government or much, it's just mind boggling.

There's people that love to do these things. And I think for me, it's, it's just an interesting phenomenon, because we don't give ourselves permission to do these things. Yes. And I think that's where that's, that's where I'm the thing that I'm coming to, at this stage in the game is, I've finally given myself permission to do what I want to do. Because I mean, I was once again being raised in Colorado, you don't go into the arts, that's just not acceptable. And so, you know, my family and everything, the way that I was, I was brought up, it is not acceptable to do all the stuff in so you find that you're carrying all this stuff around. And so it literally was a matter of over a period of last year. And coming to the set, I finally said that I gave myself permission that this is what I'm going to do. And thankfully, I'm supportive in my personal life. And everybody's like, really, when I will say this. Yeah,

this is one of the reasons why I love New York City, like, like I have, I'm a total geek for New York City. There's people listening to probably have this whole thing about, they hate New York, and I, I love it. And here's the reason why it is

in most cities that I've lived in. If you say,


I want to make a movie, I'm gonna make a full length motion picture, 90% of the people look at you and tell you why you shouldn't do it. Or they think that it's like, oh, that's this too much. Why would you do that too much? Or it's just an in New York, you say, I'm gonna do

a movie, right? Yeah, go for it. Cool. Here. I have a friend who's doing the same. Here's a dozen people that are doing the exact same thing, you know, and from from that standpoint, you know, when you say, Hey, I I, my girlfriend talks about how she met bond and has all these stories flooded with Bono, and she

hung out with, like, all these famous libraries from, you know, from what she does for a living and you get outside of this area, and you and you start talking about and people like, oh, they're bragging way always, Brett and it's like, No, no, that literally is just Mike's. Yeah. Like we were sitting in a bar on like the Upper East Side, in this little dingy. Like Irish bar. And we turned around. And Patricia Arquette. No no, Patricia Arquette. Oh God I forgot her name. But anyways, a very famous actress was just standing around behind us just just just hanging

outside like, wow, that that's such a cool new york moment that this award like I think she's been, I wish I could remember her name.


Anyways, I'm dying that I'm gonna forget her name. But anyways, but you know, it's so you have this stuff. And that's what I love about the city is that whatever dream that you have, people are like, Yeah, go for. It. Doesn't matter how big it is. So I think that had a lot to do with that is that it's like being here. Now. People are like, Yeah, go for it. It's awesome.

I love it. Well, question. This was an amazing conversation. I loved it from the beginning. I don't even know what the beginning it's which we, which we can figure that out.

But tell people tell my audience tell these amazing listeners. Where can they listen to your podcast and looking to find you, you can

listen to it on just about any podcast platform. It's called the person squat squat.

So you really have to do me a favor and edit that out. I've never said that my entire life and that is not something that I was getting out because you're squatting on

Oh God, don't tell them the truth.

Oh my god. Okay. So asked me that question again. Because you're going to please

Okay, so ask me the question again. So Grayson, it was really amazing chatting with you today and let the audience know why don't you let us see now I'm gonna fall over the place take three

Hey great and this was amazing chatting with you. We had a lot of laughs And I'm sure the audience had a lot of laughs as well so why don't you tell the audience where they can find you and listen to your podcast

okay you can find it on just about any platform it's Grayson Scott memoirs

I changed the name of that did you know that I did

especially the podcast

I should I should mention that because that is one question I'd like to get feedback from everybody in the audience about but anyways Grayson Scott memoirs it's on Anchor, Apple, Spotify, Google wherever you want to find it it's there or you can go to and follow along on the blog.

And then also you can go check out @llifeofgrasonscott on Instagram, which is great because that I post a lot of my photography that I'm using in the kind of pre-production I'm doing scouting locations and I'm posting a lot of the photography up there and have a pretty decent following on Instagram.

That is fantastic. Thank you so much. Grayson. I will be sure to include all of those links on the page the show notes and who knows who knows what they'll be actually Oh my God, but I'll post the ones that you mentioned so that way they can quickly go to them thank you for your time man. Awesome. Awesome.

Thanks man. This was fun. We should do it more often. Absolutely.

Thank you for listening to this hacks and hobbies episode Junaid would love to hear from you. So please leave a rating or a review on Apple podcasts. Visit to find additional information on the guests today as well as the show notes.


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Junaid Ahmed has been a user experience designer for over 15 years. As a UX professional, he uses the user-centered design philosophy to come up with solutions. Trust the system, it works!

“People say that we only live once, but I believe in living every day!”

Junaid has been interviewing people from all walks of life on his podcast Hacks and Hobbies.