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In this episode, I speak with Dell Shaffer. He’s a host to The Leagues Podcast on iTunes. He’s also a father, a husband, a realtor, and he’s voted one of the best realtors in Mount Pleasant. Del and I are both huge fans of Gary Vaynerchuk. And when Gary said who should I call on Twitter. A twitter conversation got started and we all retweeted. And Del had a really awesome message and he got tons of likes and I was like Del, why don’t you come on and be a guest on my podcast. He happily played along and here we are!

Our Guests

Hacks to take away

  • Providing value and helping others through a different type of kind of service and I want to be different than other realtors.
  • Training practices
  • I started the podcast because I needed to have an avenue to talk about it.
  • Learn about how you treat other people like the other team.
  • Learn about how you treat other people like the other team.
  • I knew through soccer would want me to help them with real estate.
  • You can get business just by being who you are.
Read Full Transcript

Junaid Ahmed 0:10
Thank you for tuning in to hacks and hobbies with your host Junaid. In Season Two of hacks and hobbies were visited by our amazing guests coming from all walks of life, want to learn their story, their struggles and their journey on how they got to where they are today. So stick around.

In this episode, I speak with Dell Shaffer. He's a host to the leaks podcast on iTunes. He's also a father, a husband, a realtor, and he's voted one of the best realtor in Mount Pleasant. Now, how did I connect with Dell, Dell and I are both huge fans of Gary Vaynerchuk. And when Gary said who was to pick who should I call or there's something there's some conversation going on. We all post it and I think Dell had a really awesome message and he got tons of likes and I was like Dell, once you come on be a guest on my podcast. And here we are now with Dell Shaffer, as a guest on hacks and hobbies. Thanks so much for coming on.

Del Shaffer 1:33
Hey Junaid, thanks for having me on.

Junaid Ahmed 1:36
Absolutely, absolutely. So the one thing that I love talking about on the podcast and really exploring is how my guests got to where they are today. And we all have individual stories. We all go through a different path and we all have very unique ways of how we in, you know, engage our mindset and engage with the community and engage with people around us and what we are doing with our life and the types of support we're providing to our communities. So tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started and how you got here.

Del Shaffer 2:23
Oh, gee,

long, winding story, but it's pretty amazing. I grew up on a bear barrier island in Charleston, it's called Iowa palms really amazing place to grow up. And then just one of three kids and then ended up thinking that I wanted to go into the military. So I went to the Citadel, which is a Military College here in Charleston, and then decided later that the military military was for me that I didn't want to, I guess be told what to do all the time, where to go and just became a Christian at the civil as well. So I kind of felt a calling more towards going to different countries and sharing the gospel, mainly after hearing about a guy named Jim Elliot, who was a missionary that was killed in Ecuador. And I got to hear his wife speak. But fast forward a little bit, went to 10 countries doing mission work and also playing soccer. I did not make it to the you know, professional level playing soccer. I made it I tried out for the Charlotte eagles. But I found a way to combined some of my passions together and was able to go travel different countries and teach you know, soccer camps with kids and also work with churches overseas and so fast forward even more, came back and settled down here in Charleston, and then got back into real estate which I had done for one year and Marcus And found out that it wasn't all about money that I was able to really help people. I guess everyone needs to have a roof over their head. So I was amazed at the fulfillment of that when I was able to help families and, you know, couples and singles whoever find a house and have somewhere you know, to live and do whatever they need to do work or have families.

Junaid Ahmed 4:25
Yeah, that's really cool. And it's everybody needs a place to live. So yeah, totally makes sense. You know, and there's a ton of realtors provided very important service especially for new couples and, you know, new families moving from one place to another place. It's very, very helpful to speak with a realtor that knows the area and that knows, you know, where, where the best schools are and sure technology gives you life. That data but having a personal connection for somebody who knows the area is absolutely important to help you find your home.

Del Shaffer 5:09
And so I kind of use this as my sort of like ministry now, this is a way of me providing value and helping others, you know, through a different type of kind of service and I want to be different than other realtors. You know, I try to answer the phone as soon as people call and not, you know, slack on that. And I learned a lot from Gary Vee, like we said, and yeah, I was able to meet him here when he spoke and I was very, I was amazed at his personality is just being able to talk to you one on one and he really does want to help you even though you know, he helps talks to millions of people.

Junaid Ahmed 5:45
Yeah, I mean, he is a very authentic, very genuine personality. I mean, he is and he knows it. He's like, you know, there's you don't need to have any BS in the middle. Writing is playing people have access to information. So there's no point in faking it. There's no point in pretending to be somebody who you're not.

Del Shaffer 6:11
And I'm just amazed at his story as well that you know, he was not great as a student, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he's not, you know, smart and intelligent. And I asked him a question about real estate and he right away had an answer. And he was just you could tell he was listening and that he cared and you don't always get that with everybody. A lot of times people are listening to reply and not necessarily listening to help.

Junaid Ahmed 6:35
Absolutely, you're absolutely right. And so you came back, you traveled around the world. You played some soccer. How did you or how did you develop the passion for soccer as a sport, was it you know? Was it you being brought up? Playing soccer or There's something different.

Del Shaffer 7:02
Yeah, I think growing up playing soccer here, and playing club soccer. My high school was like one of the number one teams in the country, the United States called Wando. And unfortunately, I never made the varsity team. But fast forward, you

Junaid Ahmed 7:20
still had the like the,

Del Shaffer 7:23
for the game. And I think part of that goes from a lot of other countries and going to, you know, wherever I went, whether it be close to Rica, or China or Cambodia, I was always able to, like have a soccer ball and play with people. It was amazing. It's just one of those games that is very just rudimentary and all you need is a ball and you can put down shirts and have goals. I mean, it's amazing.

Junaid Ahmed 7:49
It's an international sport played the world around. It's It's really amazing.

Del Shaffer 7:54
And it's unfortunate here in the States, it's kind of become, you know, more of a like a pay to play. Play type game. Yeah. Which is sad. And I was listening to someone talk about that today where in the states were kind of missing out on talent because we're not helping other kids, whether it be inner city or Latino kids and we're not finding that talent like they're going to play for Mexico. Possibly. Yeah.

Junaid Ahmed 8:20
So when you say it's a pay to play sport here in the United States, what do you how do you explain that? Because that's really interesting.

Del Shaffer 8:30
Well, what they say is it's become more of like an upper class sport here. It's it costs a lot of money for kids to play club soccer to get the you know, the lessons or the practices and pay for a coach and travel. And if you want to be really good, you're going to be traveling to tournaments, like my, my younger brother played a lot and we traveled with him all over the southeast. You know, he went, I think, to Oklahoma for nationals one year and so on. Lot of the other kids if they don't have the money, they can't necessarily afford to make it to the next level. Wow. Whereas overseas they're playing in the streets here in the States. The kids play it's very structured they don't play pickup soccer you know in the park or as much here as they do overseas.

Junaid Ahmed 9:19
Know that that that makes a really good point because I remember growing up in Saudi Arabia right and they they had a huge dab a huge fan for for soccer, or football right. And we play in our courtyard at school with a piece of candy you know, we didn't have a soccer ball so we'd play during recess and then after school we would play in in in a next to next to our home there was a big dirt area with some goals on either side. There's no grass because it you know, it's a desert but we play Like, no matter where we are, you can set up a goal and you start playing, you know, just kick around the ball. I mean, it's the cheapest, cheapest ever game that you can imagine because all you need is just one ball. Right? You don't need cleats. You don't need shin guards. You don't need any of that stuff. Just need a ball to go and play.

Del Shaffer 10:19
I made two trips to Cambodia. It's called sim reap. So it's not the capital capitals, Phnom Penh. I went to seminary where the one of the wonders of the world Angkor Wat is. Yeah. And then I remember playing in a field and not like a you know, like a cut grass field. Yeah. When it was a field and we had there was a bike path through the middle of it. And so kids were leaving school and there was kids on bikes in the middle of the game, and they're getting hit with a soccer ball. And there was even a cow in the middle of the field. It was it is crazy. Yeah, places that I played and you know, you make it happen and you enjoy it. It doesn't really matter.

Junaid Ahmed 10:58
Wow, that's true. Really cool because, yeah, man. That's I mean, it totally makes sense because we do you know, we, we had our we had our son enrolled because I mean, I have three kids, so are the middle one, he's four years old so we had to, you know, sign him up for soccer classes. And they go we go to this big Nike field and you know, there's these goals and there's all these people come in here on a daily basis, or weekly basis and you know, they have these training practices going on. And yeah, man, it there's, there's definitely a cost involved, you know, every kid's bringing in number three ball, they got to have their cleats, they got to have their shin guards. And people on the sidelines are super, super serious of what's going on. You know, they're watching their kids and they're like, oh, move out of my way because I can't see my son play. And it's really interesting, like, I'm just standing here. You know, you can move over. But it's really interesting how you know you what you what you mentioned really makes sense from the behavior I've seen of people around me.

Del Shaffer 12:11
And also you have parents that are really pushing. And in sports in general, they want their kids to get a scholarship you when they're little, they're like, Oh, this is our way, let me know a little Jimmy get us a scholarship or Yeah, but I was a former coach and a couple of things that I learned from that side is when I went through some of the licensing is they taught us that you coach kids. And then when it comes to the game, you need to buy yourself one of those, you know, pop up chairs and sit down. Yeah, is you're done with your coaching. They're not gonna listen to you during the game as much because they're into it on the field. And so don't let them the whole game and try and coach them then it's too late. Yeah, yeah. And then another thing I guess, from the other side is the the parents and so also with the playing one thing, I would do it Practice is I think it was the last 30 minutes of every practice wouldn't let them just play. Yeah, sometimes like I said, it's too structured. You gotta they're missing the, the creativity the original to try. Yeah. And to enjoy it. It's like you all these drills, no, just let them play sometimes. Yeah.

Junaid Ahmed 13:17
No, absolutely. And to make a really good point, you gotta eat and that's what that's what our coach does to, you know, the first 30 minutes. They're telling them, okay, you know, do these do these drills, they're, they're dribbling, they're going faster going slow, they're stopping, they're doing the touch the Uniball toes. And then they would, you know, the last 30 minutes, they would let them play and they're sincere, younger kids, you know, they they are, you know, running and every time the ball goes out of bounds, you know, they'll throw in another ball like her I go play with this, you know, and and then the next level up I saw the other teams, you know, they're teaching them okay, this How you throw the ball in from the from the boundary is hosting it in. So it's really interesting watching them play so

Del Shaffer 14:07
and speed a kid I was actually having this conversation with my wife. We have two kids. And our three and a half year old started at daycare, they have a program called soccer shots. So she started to, but I think that the soccer is better for kids to learn teamwork rather than say baseball even though a lot of Americans would, you know, show about baseball, they get really offended. But soccer is you have 11 players on a gym, and you have to pass the ball. And it's working together. Yeah. So if you say look at baseball, it's one person batting at a time or, you know, one person pitching. Yeah, it's not necessarily you have to throw it to somebody or you have to hit it to somebody. Yeah, a lot of people are sitting on the bench, but I think that soccer, that's one of the things that kind of push the soccer to be like the best Around the world, and along with, you know, being able to play wherever and not have, you know, I played all the time where you just have two t shirts and a soccer ball. But yeah, yeah. That's why I love this sport and why I started the podcast is because I needed to have an avenue to talk about it. And also I get to interview cool people and talk to players and coaches, you know, all over the world.

Junaid Ahmed 15:24
Now, that's really, really cool. And the other thing that I like about like the thing you mentioned, right? It builds teamwork. You got to pass the ball and you got 22 people on the field playing with one ball. Right 22 people as opposed to you know, if you like a basketball, Max, you could 10 people can play that game. You can throw in more games, but then that court is small. And would merican football you've got you got to have all this other gear because now you're you know, pushing and shoving and you you got you have flag football and interesting thing that you mentioned about baseball being a team sport, but it's it's team sport in when you've got to catch the ball but it's more like two people are playing the game or three people.

Del Shaffer 16:15
Right? It's like one on one pitcher against a batter sort of thing. And I think soccer is going to continue to grow here in the States as the like the the second division here in the States I have we have a team here in Charleston, but that league just expanded and I can't remember how many teams there are now but the Major League Soccer as well. They just added a new team this week to Sacramento that will start in 2022. And St. Louis and Nashville will have a team so there are 29 teams now. Wow. And I think football will kind of start to trail away. You look at Atlanta Falcons. They don't have a ton of fans of their games. They're not good the season. But Atlanta united place tonight and they pack out the Mercedes Benz stadium. It's taking over

Junaid Ahmed 16:59
And then if you also look at the the medical issues with American football, you know, you have the concussion issues, you have those kinds of things because people are getting like really hurt. And when whereas in soccer, the maximum you're going to get hurt is getting you know, you're getting hit by a soccer ball.

Del Shaffer 17:21
Actually there is some concussion issues soccer now because if sometimes people go full full on, you know for a header and they don't look at the player, they just look at the the ball. Yeah. And so they're trying to introduce new new legislation where you can have an extra sub. So if someone has to go through concussion protocol, they can take them off and actually substitute them. Yeah, doesn't count as one of their three.

Junaid Ahmed 17:47

Del Shaffer 17:48
way if they can go back in fine, but there's a player from it's on ESPN. He's a former player. His name's Taylor twellman. And he's pushing for new legislation because he's seen People, you know, just go straight back into the game

and play to their complaint and you know that they have issues,

Junaid Ahmed 18:08
and they have to come out. That's really interesting. Just to be honest,

Del Shaffer 18:12
I wish we didn't but

yeah, you know, head to head can be difficult. And one last thing I was talking about with the team, the soccer thing, it's also you mentioned 22 players. Part of the issue with soccer as well as I think you learn about how you treat other people like the other team. If you're going to you know, kick somebody with your cleat or it's it's kind of how how are you going to play the game? How are you going to treat the other team as well? Yeah, before the game after during. So there's a lot of you know, you can learn learn there from kids and what they can learn as well and themselves about treating other people and being fair and not being dirty.

Junaid Ahmed 18:50
Exactly. You know, the really, really good points. Soccer is definitely one of the diff sports I played growing up and some of the things that Mobile to do with the ball and my my older sons, like How'd you do that? How'd you kick it up? Like, just by standing there? Like, yeah, you could do a lot of different things with the ball in your in your feet. You just gotta you just gotta pay attention and you know, play around with the ball.

Del Shaffer 19:16
And two is, I didn't know this, but when I got into real estate, I didn't think you know how soccer and real estate would work together. But I would go to soccer games or I was part of a group here at Manchester United group in Charleston. And me just being myself I would you know, people that I knew through soccer would want me to help them with real estate.

Junaid Ahmed 19:38
Yeah. And

Del Shaffer 19:41
that I can be a realtor just by being myself and you know, it automatically comes up because they asked about how it's going. exactly that way I can. People are just you know, going out and being themselves and you can get business just by being who you are. So that's a cool you know, benefit of being a realtor and loving soccer as well

Junaid Ahmed 19:59
as Yet some of that some of the things that people do, right, the things that we do in our life that make us who we are, they they spill over into the industry, like, you know, being a realtor or being a plumber or being something that you do with your hands or something that you do with your mind. Right? It relates and in getting in that connection in that way with people because they know you have a passion for something. So you build those relationships strong by you know, playing together, or so we playing soccer or you know, being in any sports whatsoever. It then builds you're essentially building your brand and then as you provide service and you have those connectivity and be able to provide them a service through you know, finding homes or not. So yeah, it totally plays in In building your personal brand is who you are, and the services that you're offering, able to offer.

Del Shaffer 21:06
And I work super hard for them. I work hard for everybody, but I know I'm going to see them again as well. And I'm not going to be scared to see, you know, see them because I know that did an amazing job. And I asked them, you know, are you still at the house? And how's everything going?

Junaid Ahmed 21:20
Yeah, yeah, that follow up right there follow up totally makes for a for a very great relationship over long term.

Del Shaffer 21:29
True because they say that a lot of times, I think it was maybe 6% of buyers here from their realtors after closing. And so that was shocking to me. And I wanted to definitely be someone that you know, keeps in contact and with people after closing and not just you know, sia. Yeah, but a lot of times I'm, if I'm friends with them before if I'm not I'm, like really, really close with people after closing. And so I think that's another you know, aspect that I kind of provide and I take it very personally

Junaid Ahmed 21:59
Yeah. Know that that's really, really awesome. And a lot of times some of the conversations that I've had with, you know, marketing and branding your company and branding, your entrepreneurship and whatnot. And, you know, you bring a really great point because as long as you are passionate about what you do in your personal life, it's going to spill over. And it's going to show through your colors and you're able to provide that service in your professional life to those same connections and having that relationship, right. There's a ton of customer relationship management tools available, and the best one is being able to just being human with each other and talking to people. And you know, getting that point across mode. This is what I'm at what I'm about to see what I'm able to do.

Del Shaffer 22:57
And it was kind of silly when I started. I was kind of thinking That I was like Jerry Maguire. Yeah, just take the small amount of business I have and work as hard as I could knowing that, you know, they would refer me to other people. And sometimes I'm scared that I don't want like too much business. I'm scared that that level would drop. And I wouldn't be able to provide the same level because I'm not a team. It's just me. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And so that's, that's one of my fears as to how I get too much. And so it's been good so far been able to do an amazing job. And it's funny as you get when you start real estate, you don't know any of the like terminology. And then slowly as I went along, it's been almost seven years now. They start talking, you're like, Whoa, I knew all the lingo and I know what I'm talking about where the beginning you're kind of sort of, you know, use what you know, and try and pretend like you're more experienced, you know, yeah, you you amaze yourself right as you go through time, psycho. I know all of this stuff. This is really cool. And I can help People will I bounced around through a few other jobs and industries before and I never really push through whatever it is that like thousand hours or to master kind of your craft. Yeah. And so sometimes people get kind of they hit that wall and they think that they need to do something else. Whereas Yeah, you just need to push through and once you kind of learn, where you feel kind of better experienced and know what you're doing, then it it becomes easier and you become more confident what you're doing.

Junaid Ahmed 24:32
Exactly. And the 10,000 rule right it also goes into like if you look at schooling, why people go from doing a Bachelor's to then doing a Masters didn't doing PhDs because they're going deeper and deeper into what that that subject and that 10,000 hours of being a soccer player or being a an instrument you know, playing a guitar It goes to show Do you know how much work you've put in and how you basically mastered? No, I mean, getting to that mastery point because 10,000 hours is just the average number. But like really good musicians, they've spent their entire life right. It's gone over 100,000 hours of them playing, whatever they're, they're so good at. But yeah,

Del Shaffer 25:30
that goes with with soccer as well. Would like I've been playing up until recently when I had we had our second kid. Yeah, I sprained my shoulder. But whenever I got out on a soccer field, I felt different. Like, I felt like that was kind of where I belonged. And I knew what I was doing. Yeah. And it felt almost like at home on a soccer field. And it was I was able to not stress as much about my daily life, I could just get out there and kick a ball or kick somebody and kind of de stress and not bring all that home with me

Junaid Ahmed 26:01
exactly know that that's really, really good point. Cool, man, this was really cool competition, especially talking about soccer and just having this dis experienced this yesterday. And then I think last year, yesterday was the last meet for us and I think this weekend is maybe we'll have some more games or the weekends. But it was it's been pretty good. And I've seen some improvement in my son. And I keep thinking I need to play with him more in our backyard and spend some more time with the ball. But can you gotta you gotta balance time between what you do with other other things and other time. It's pretty interesting how that comes through.

Del Shaffer 26:47
You let me know if you have any questions about your son, they definitely learned a few things. You know, from me growing up playing not learning with both feet or Yeah, they don't try different positions. They get stuck in one position.

Junaid Ahmed 27:01
Absolutely cool man. So I have some questions towards the end of our episode. Um What is one hobby that you wish you got into?

Del Shaffer 27:15
I would definitely say it would be music so I never really did music. I've always wanted to actually one of my bucket list items is learning the drums nice and when I lived in England for a year as a person, I took maybe three tour lessons and then I gave up but I think the shop our I play air drums and I think Yeah, my bucket list would still be to learn the drums at one nice in my future.

Junaid Ahmed 27:44
Yeah. I never got the disconnected. Like you're disconnected rhythm between your arm with your between your arms, your hands and your feet by because it's really interesting how that comes through. And one of my managers back at one of the companies that I work for he's a drummer. And he's like, you know, this is how you can play the drum. And then he basically tapped on my fingers different with the different beats. And I kind of got it and I was like, oh, wow, this is pretty cool. You know, I get the sensory feedback. Now can replicate it. So it's really neat. Awesome. Next Next question, what is your favorite movie or TV show?

Del Shaffer 28:32
though, the favorite TV show would definitely have to be the office. No. I started off watching the in England, the British version. Yeah. And love that. And then they did the American version. And at first I wasn't so sure. But yeah, we pretty much watch it over and over again on Netflix. Nice. And then we just found out that the two girls, Angela and Pam start. The real actresses started a podcast

Junaid Ahmed 29:00
La, that hard office

Del Shaffer 29:03
girls or something? Okay, but they're actually going through the episodes from the beginning kind of talking about them, which is amazing.

Junaid Ahmed 29:10
Nice. Alright, next question. What movie would you choose if you got to play a character in it? What movie?

Del Shaffer 29:23
Like if I could be in a remake of a movie? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 29:27
That's tough one. I would just off the top of my head.

Junaid Ahmed 29:33
I would probably say 500 Days of Summer. Nice. I know. I got to see the movie but it's on. It's on my list of movies to watch.

Del Shaffer 29:45
I think it was just I really relate to the character in there and his issues with women and then him also been trying to find a career like he was working on greeting cards, but he had a degree I think in architecture or engineering. Yeah. And so it's a really great movie. And the music on it is great. I really love movies based on music a lot of times like, Elizabeth town had a great soundtrack and Garden State.

Junaid Ahmed 30:13
Yeah, goldenseal was really good. I liked that movie.

Del Shaffer 30:15
Yep. And actually was in a movie that I didn't mention before I was an extra in a movie with Cuba Gooding Jr. called chill factor. Nice.

Junaid Ahmed 30:25
That's awesome.

Del Shaffer 30:26
It's a horrible movie, but you got to be in one. And then they filmed the notebook outside of my apartment and I got to watch like one day of filming. Then they paid they paid us $50 to come into our building. I took out the AC unit. And then like pulled out the blinds and painted the outside of the building.

Junaid Ahmed 30:45
So that was nice. Nice. Nice. Nice. Alright, last question. Who is your favorite superhero?

Del Shaffer 30:57
have to say Batman. I was kind of thinking through it and I got really enthralled with the new Batman movies that came out.

Junaid Ahmed 31:06
Yeah. I can remember played it was it. Christian Bale, I guess, Christian Bale was with the Dark Knight trilogy and then Ben Affleck with the remake.

Del Shaffer 31:17
Yeah, Christian Bale and just, I guess that he doesn't necessarily have any human powers but just I guess his story and how he went through the family, you know, losing his parents and then just how he came out of that. I just love the the Batman story Above all,

Junaid Ahmed 31:36
yeah, no, no, it's a little dark. But I said they're like, yeah,

Del Shaffer 31:40
that he you know, there's something in me that's all about, like making things right, justice. And yes, being a rule follower is

Junaid Ahmed 31:50
absolutely no good. Good points. Batman is certainly a character to be, you know, looked up. The bet.

Del Shaffer 32:01
He's like one of the people to Yeah,

Junaid Ahmed 32:03
yeah, exactly. He's one of the people. Right last question. If you are a board game, what would it be? If it was a board game? Oh, geez.

Del Shaffer 32:16
I don't know what I would be. But yeah, lately, I love this game called. It's not a board game. I guess it's a card game. Exploding Kittens.

And we've played it with our family if you haven't

seen it, or you can.

Whatever you do, it's hilarious. Nice, like playing cards and someone is out and it's just really funny. graphics on the cards and just funny names and stuff.

Junaid Ahmed 32:40
Nice to check that game out. But I'm talking about board games. I one of the guests that I spoke with, you know, he said, You know if I want to be a board game, I want to be the game of soccer. Oh yeah. That's a board game.

Yeah, there's a board game called soccer. Oh, I didn't know that. I was like, let me take a look and I found it. Apparently they used to be a game and it's got you know all these characters that are on the board and actually play a game of soccer on the board game.

Del Shaffer 33:19
Hilarious. I guess for me It should be monopoly, right? Because Yeah, I'm in real estate. Exactly. And so they actually I think they made a copy of it here. It's like Austin, I think it's called Charleston Napoli and it has certain parts of town like on there, maybe. marketplace, it'll have like King Street like downtown area.

Junaid Ahmed 33:39
Nice. So very cool. Very cool. So Tomer, for me to check out 500 Days of Summer my one of my favorite actors, Joseph Jordan goes of Jordan, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Joseph Gordon privates is on there. I'm actually staring as at his name on Wikipedia. And then likewise, Chanel, Chanel. She's She's on TV show the new girl right? Yes. I'm really cool characters real cool people. Wow. 10 year old 10 years ago this movie was released amazing.

Del Shaffer 34:14
Yeah, actually, when I think when it came out, I was a missionary in Marseille, France. And so I even watched it in x in Provence with some French friends. Remember the subtitles?

Junaid Ahmed 34:26
Very cool. Very cool. That's awesome, man. Well, thank you so much for your time. And this was a really awesome chat will definitely keep in touch. And I'll check out your podcasts and so people can find you at Delta Shaffer on Twitter. And you've got athletes podcast on Twitter as well. For your podcast talking about soccer.

Del Shaffer 34:49
Yep, it's the league's colon World Soccer podcast. I cover everything all over the world. Try to you know, instead of just one League,

Junaid Ahmed 34:58
so perfect. Well Thank you so much Dell. This is Junaid All right. Awesome. Yeah. Bye bye. Thank you for listening to hacks and hobbies. You can find additional information on the guest today on the website hacks and hobbies. com. Please feel free to subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss out on upcoming interviews with amazing guests.

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Junaid Ahmed has been a user experience designer for over 15 years. As a UX professional, he uses the user-centered design philosophy to come up with solutions. Trust the system, it works!

“People say that we only live once, but I believe in living every day!”

Junaid has been interviewing people from all walks of life on his podcast Hacks and Hobbies.