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James likes to think of himself as an artist of experience.  His passion is to create transformational experiences for himself and others as a way to explore what it means to truly live – FULLY ALIVE.

James is an International Speaker,  Strategic Results Coach and founder of Weekly Wins and Losses podcast and weekly global community call.  He helps people in their journey to embrace all of life – both wins and losses equally.

James helps you firmly establish the mental and physical courage needed to do difficult things while guiding you to activate your ability to leverage the good news that lies at the heart of both a win…. AND A LOSS.

People from around the world find James when their way of handling losses just no longer works, and when leaving 50% of life on the table is no longer an option.

James’ current client list ranges from well-known professionals and executives to average ordinary humans – both of which are deeply hungry and curious towards the worthy work of breaking into and establishing a brand new dimension of life.

Founder and creator of Weekly Wins And Losses, James helps people in their journey to embrace all of life – both Wins and Losses equally.

Our Guest

James Heppner


Hacks to Take Away

  • I’ve always had expectations and deep appreciation for letting what’s happening inside of my brain and bring results for something I’ll never forget.
  • I was raised in a wonderful home with wonderful parents.
  • Many people listening will probably be able to relate in this narrative of the more success you have, the better you’ll be, the better you’ll feel.
  • The feminine presence often desires to bring more of the internal it’s just how it is right.
  • The degree that we build a healthy musculature to move between the masculine and feminine determines our life experience.
  • When you accept inner nudges, you don’t have to go through the suffering.
  • When a human is strongest, it’s built on an unshakable platform and a mindset and that we can feel strong when we feel both insecure and secure.

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Junaid Ahmed has been a user experience designer for over 15 years. As a UX professional, he uses the user-centered design philosophy to come up with solutions. Trust the system, it works!

“People say that we only live once, but I believe in living every day!”

Junaid has been interviewing people from all walks of life on his podcast Hacks and Hobbies.